Caledonian Digital

Upload Photos

Here is the quickest way to send us your images – just fill in your details below. You can then use the SELECT FILES button to navigate on your computer to the files you want to upload, using the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple files, OR you can drag and drop the files into the box. Then click UPLOAD FILES. For security reasons we only accept automatic uploads of JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, or PDF files. If you have another file format you can still email it to us.

Please let the upload process complete before you navigate away from this page. You will see a progress bar below the buttons, and a green status bar will confirm when your file(s) have been uploaded successfully. Once you see that message you are free to go!

If you prefer to send an email or post your photos to us you’ll find all the details on our Contact Us page.

GDPR 2018 – Please note, the form below dynamically creates an email to pass your details to us. If you check the box below, then your personal data will also be stored on our website, BUT you do NOT need to check the box below to allow your photos and enquiry to reach us. If you do not check the box, then your personal data is not stored on our website, but we still get an email with all the information you enter.

Choose Files To Upload